Saturday, January 28, 2012

50th Wedding Anniversary

For anyone who knows me at all, you know how much family means to me. I would do anything for my family and it is VERY important to celebrate special occasions. I am kind of like a female Clark Griswold...I want to celebrate big and make it perfect.

I think that it's very important to teach our kids this as well. I think Hannah has it down to a fault. She wants to celebrate the last day of summer break, the first day of the semester, the first final, the last final, the last day before Christmas break, the first day of Christmas break, the last day of Christmas break, the first day of spring semester...are you getting my drift? My daughter pretty much wants to celebrate when the sun shines.

So please take a minute to imagine my horror and gut wrenching surprise at 6 am on Friday morning when my husband is looking at his phone, gasps, and hands it to me. What I see is my mother-in-law's midnight entry "Today Jerry and I celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary!" Now friends, to say I am breathless and speechless is putting it pretty mildly. To say the very least, I am the WORLDS WORST daughter-in-law!

By the time I left for work at 7:20 I had tasks assigned to my husband and myself. The horrendous transgression MUST be rectified and QUICKLY! I spent my lunch hour shopping for supplies and Friday evening finishing up. Saturday morning was coffee, a grocery list, grocery run, fast lunch and dinner was in the oven by 12:15. We selected my sister-in-law's FABULOUS oven stew because it is both quick and delicious and will feed a crew. I wanted to concentrate on making them a beautiful cake for their anniversary.

The cake turned out fabulous! I used this recipe that I found through Pinterest. This is the icing recipe that I used. It was quite a bit of work but so worth it. My step son loved the icing and wants it on his birthday cake.

I think that despite my failings in keeping track of this MOST momentous occasion that we pulled together a very nice very special evening for these most wonderful people.

Oh yeah! Let's not forget the afterthought pictures of our wonderful oven stew! Sorry I didn't take it when it was fresh but here is the recipe my sister sent!


  1. looks good! wish i could have been there!

    1. Thanks was a wonderful cake and I had so much fun making it!!
